Monday 18 June 2012


Last year in July 2011, I went to Mountain Halimun Salak National Park. I studied morphological variation of Calamus javensis, one species of rattans, in there for my thesis. I spent about 1 week for collecting my samples. Besides collecting samples, I looked around and found many interesting plant species. One of those is Nepenthes gymnamphora. Here is my note about Nepenthes gymnamphora in MHSNP.

1. Bukit Andam
2. Nepenthes gymnamphora
3. Morphology of Nepenthes
4.The Function of the Pitcher

1. Bukit Andam

        Bukit Andam (1300 m.a.s.l.) is one of amazing places in MHSNP. It is located near Cikaniki Research Station (1000 m.a.s.l.). From Cikaniki Research Station to Bukit Andam, it takes about 45--60 minutes trip. Because of its quite extreme track, healthy body is needed. I suggest you to go jogging one week before you go there.
        According to the altitudinal zonation, Bukit Andam is located in submontane forest zone (1000--1500 m.a.s.l). During the trip, we can find many species of trees, like rasamala (Altingia exelsa) and puspa (Schima wallichii), and many species of rattans, like Calamus spp. and rotan badak (Plectocomia elongata).
        The higher the altitude, the vegetation changes. When arriving in Bukit Andam, we can see little trees but many shrubs. It is an opened area, dominated by ferns, Gleichenia linearis (Paku Andam). That is why it is called Bukit Andam. This species likes sun light and it can colonizes rapidly in an opened habitat.

Saturday 19 May 2012


For you guys who want to hang out with your friends or your families, I suggest you to go to the Birds Park in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta.  You will not only spend your time with them, you also can enjoy the beauty of birds and enrich your knowledge.  Even you can take photos with them.  It is a suitable place for people who love watching birds and photography.  My photographer and I went there last Saturday, 31st March 2012.  Here is my note about biodiversity of the Birds Park, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.  Please check this out!

About The Birds Park

 The Birds Park is located in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta.  It only takes 2 km from Kampung Rambutan, bus station and about 5 km from Halim Perdana Kusumah airport.  The Birds Park has 6 ha of total area, consist of 3 huge cages.  One cage is located separately from others.  The cages are about 20--68 meters in diameter, and 9--30 meters height. Bird species are arranged based on Wallace's line.  Kubah Timur (East Cage) contains species of birds from Eastern Indonesia, while Kubah Barat (West Cage) contains species of birds from Western Indonesia.  For more info, please click here.

First you have to pay the entrance ticket at the main gate of TMII. It cost Rp. 9,000/person.  If you ride a motorcycle or a car, you also have to pay Rp. 6,000/ motorcycle or Rp. 10,000/car.  The Birds Park is located far from the main gate. I give you the map below (Pic. 1).  Then, you have to pay the Birds Park entrance ticket, Rp. 13,000/person after you arrive in the Birds Park gate (Pic.2).

Well, finally I arrive there. I see so many people taking photos of birds.  Their cameras are much better than mine, they are professional photographers anyway... Even that, I can still take good photos of birds because the birds are so closed. Amazing! Well, all of these photos that I submit here belong to my photographer.

When I enter the gate, I see beautiful scenery.  there are many pounds for water birds to get their food.  Australian pelicans (Pelecanus conspicillatus) and Black-headed ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus) (Pic.4) are moving freely outside the cages.  Also Lesser adjutants (Leptoptilos javenicus) and Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis).  The cattle egret that I found was in non-breeding form (Pic. 5).

Then I walk to the Kubah Barat (West Cage).  Hm, Now I am inside this huge cage! So many birds here, they move freely, flying around, but some birds like eagles and owls are being caged.  Most of birds in here can be found in West Indonesia.

Here the birds that I found:

1. Starlings (Aplonis sp.)

Well, I can only identified this bird as Aplonis sp.  I am sure enough it belongs to genus Aplonis.  But in Indonesia, we can find 2 species of genus Aplonis.  They are Asian Glossy Starling (Aplonis panayensis) and Short-tailed Starling (Aplonis minor).  They are very similar each other and it is difficult to distinguish them in the field.  The Asian Glossy Starling (A. panayensis) is bigger than the Short-tailed Starling (A. minor).  Aplonis panayensis has glossy green head, while A. minor has purplish head.  If you know which Aplonis is in this photo, please give me a comment.  Thank you..

2.  Great Egret (Egretta alba)

To be honest, it is so hard to distinguish within egret species.  They look similar each other at first sight.  I am sure this one is Great Egret because its great body size, compared to any other egrets.  MacKinnon et. al (2010: 63) mention its size is about 95 cm.  In addition, this one is in breeding phase. Why? Because I can see its black beak, and its greenish blue face (MacKinnon 2010: 63)

3.  Sunda Laughingthrush (Garrulax palliatus)

4.  Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata)

5.  White-Bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)

6.  Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus)

This one is mascot of DKI Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.  Although this species' status is Least Concerned (IUCN Redlist 2011), it is protected by Indonesian government according to PP No. 7/1999. 
In 2011, population of the Brahminy Kite in Jakarta decreased because human population growth rate increased and it is hunted for trading (Pramesti 2011).  Now in Jakarta, this bird can only found in Kepulauan Seribu National Park, especially Pulau Kotok and Pulau Seribu.

7.  Ruddy Cuckoo Dove (Macropygia emiliana)

8.  Black Magpie (Platysmurus leucopterus)

9.  Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)

10.  Fire-tufted Barbet (Psilopogon pyrolophus)

According to IUCN Redlist 2011, this bird's status is Least Concerned, but in Indonesia, it only can be found in Sumatera (MacKinnon 2010: 238)

11.  Asian Pied Starling (Sturnus contra)

12.  Black-headed Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus)

13.  Nicobar Pigeon (Caloenas nicobarica)

Okay, they are the birds that I found there, that well-documented.  I have no good photos of birds like Sooty-headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus aurigaster), Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier), Javan Myna (Acridotheres javanicus), and many more that are common in Java, Indonesia.

In Birds Park, you can also take photo with birds.  The bird will perch on your arms or your shoulders, so you can take photos together. It only costs Rp. 5,000/bird if you want to take photos with birds. You can take photos with Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao), Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus), or Barred Eagle Owl (Bubo sumatranus).
I think kites or owls are a bit scary if they perch on my arms or shoulders, they are raptors, carnivores.. I may look like a fresh meat for them, hehehe..
So I choose Scarlet Macaw.  This bird is really beautiful, also it doesn't come from Indonesia, but Brazil..
Even if that bird eat grains and fruits, I am scared when its big beak comes to my face, hehehe..

Well, this my notes about biodiversity, especially bird species in Birds Park TMII.  Thank you!

Photos by: Fachrul Razi


MacKinnon, 2010. Burung-burung di Sumatera, Jawa, Bali, dan Kalimantan. Burung Indonesia, Bogor: xxii + 509 pp.
Pramesti, O.L. 2011. Elang Bondol dan Bubut Jawa tersingkir dari Jakarta.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2011.